
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2005-05-19 - 4:33 p.m.
I should have started sooner....

OK, here we are. Bailyn is now 5, and changing by the day. I've been promising myself I'd get this started. Shame on me. I should have done this ages ago. All the funny and crazy things she does need to be documented. Oh, and we can't forget that my work life has become a living soap opera overnight. Yes, a soap opera - and a bad one at that. Wanna hear about the insanity? No? Then stop reading, 'cause I'm gonna tell it. Grab a drink...this is gonna take a while!

It all started about 2 1/2-3 months ago. A supervisor of another department took it upon himself to go into the email accounts of his employees. Why? Because he was SURE they were talking about him and plotting against him. Who were they talking and plotting with? Me, apparently. Yes, I spent my days plotting against him. Too bad he caught on to me. (very mild sarcasm here) One of his employees blew an O-ring and filed a grievance. This led to the other employee filing a grievance about the sexual harrassment she's had to endure for years. She told the story my year-old encounter with this particular supervisor. I was called in to testify about it. No problem. I told my story. That's when the trouble began. The issue was seemingly dropped. I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, I definitely could. (Remember: this is the short version.) Suddenly one day about 2 weeks later, I'm called into a meeting with the city manager and the HR director. I go to the meeting. The CM hands me a letter and asks me if I wrote it. I glance at it and say no.

After much time invested in trying to figure things out, I discover that the resident troublemaker and shit stirrer has turned in this letter claiming that I wrote it to her. Conveniently, it's a simple typed document with no name at either the top or bottom. Not a handwritten note. Not an email. A simple typed document which basically tells her that she's running her mouth and trying to get people in trouble, and if she doesn't stop, I (the author of the letter) am going to pull out proof of her misdeeds and show them to the CM and her husband. Proof that I've apparently been collecting for 2 years. Granted, it's well known that there is PLENTY of interesting stuff her husband would like to know, but seriously!

So what does the CM do? He decides that all the troublemaking she's caused in the past doesn't matter. He's going to drop everything to "investigate this matter to its conclusion."

Never mind regular city business and a sexual harrassment complaint. We're to stop everything and investigate a situation that boils down to grade-schoolish he said-she said dealing. Ridiculous, isn't it? Two weeks after the incident, I am called BACK in and informed that they have interviewed everyone who may have seen the letter and/or the exchange of the letter and collected their statements and that they are just about ready to wrap up the investigation. I am asked to write a statement. Everyone else is asked to write a statement right off the bat, and I am asked 2 weeks later?! Whatever. I get my statement written up and turned in. That was nearly 3 weeks ago. I haven't heard a word about either case since then. Insane, isn't it? Welcome to life at the City of Moultrie.

By the way, I'm job hunting now. No rush. Just looking...when something with good pay appears, I'll snag it and get the hell up outta here.

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