
mia. - 2008-11-23 20:07:51
I am so flabbergasted at what the MIL said when she was told about Joshua. I don't even know what to say. You have a lot on your plate, friend. Take deep breaths and each day one day at a time. I'll be reading...
terri t - 2008-11-23 20:24:09
Hi, I am visiting from LA's site. I was intrigued by your comment there and came over. I realize I know nothing about you at this point. But, based on just this blog, I think you are really being held accountable for anything that your MIL believes is against her thinking. I am so sorry. I am sure you will make all the right choices for your family and yourself. Good Luck in the days ahead.
Kitty - 2008-11-23 20:24:57
Wow. I thought it was only Paul's family that could have that level of audacity. (sp?) I'm totally dumbfounded by this woman. Can I bitch slap her for not simply congratulating you guys?? Check your email tonight.
terri t - 2008-11-23 20:45:08
Back again, I read some of the more recent entries. You have lots of good points and lots of drama to get through. The pictures of your daughter were wonderful even if she wasn't interested in Santa. He did make some nice faces and she looked so pretty in her red plaid dress.
LA - 2008-11-24 00:56:03
Blowing loud juicy raspberries at your MIL. Exchange students are tricky. We hosted 5. All boys. One was horrible enough to give back after 3 weeks, we HATED him. The others ranged from mildly amusing to family forever. The exchange girls I met through the program? You couldn't get me to host one even you paid me. Uncooperative, ungrateful, nasty whiners, every last one of them. We took in the exchangers because Alex was a teenager too and we thought they'd be company for each other. I'd never host without a teenager of my own in the house though. My thinking was since I shlepping my own kid to the various high school functions it wasn't much more trouble to add one or two more. Sorry your experience was such a bummer. Sorry too, if I came across as snitty with my last comment. Sometimes I'm a jaded old hag. ~LA

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