
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2005-05-24 - 11:20 a.m.
She looked me in the eye and lied?!

Yesterday was Bailyn's first day of day camp. When I was getting her ready, I put an extra outfit in her backpack. Since she would change her clothes just to be changing them at school and I had to quit sending extra clothes, I made a point of telling her the extra outfit was for an emergency. When I got home yesterday, she was in her extra outfit. I asked her why she changed clothes. She first said, "Because I wanted to." I started scolding her for disobeying, and she said, "I had an accident." I asked what kind of accident. She said she peed. I hugged her and asked if she was just afraid to ask where the bathroom was, since she was in a new place. She said she was, so I loved on her and asked if she would remember where it was next time. She said she would. Yay, me. I could have shamed and ridiculed her for being a baby, but I took the understanding, supportive mommy route! Pat on the back, mom. You handled that wonderfully! On that note, I went on with my evening and forgot all about it until this morning.

I grabbed her backpack and opened it, expecting her clothes to be in a bag. They weren't. I pulled them out and looked at them. No sign of them having been peed in. I held them up and told Bailyn, "I thought you peed in your pants yesterday?" She hesitated for a split second and said, "They dried." This is the child who was even known by her Pre-K teacher to be the lone voice of truth! Before now, Bailyn could be counted on to be truthful, even if it meant she would get in trouble. I've made a conscious effort to reward her for being truthful, but apparently she has learned that it's better to lie and avoid trouble. How sad. I explained to her that I'm VERY upset with her for lying. If she'd told the truth from the beginning, I would have been aggravated, but I'm really mad now that she lied. Then she apparently invented an imaginary friend whose sole purpose was to take the fall for this. She said, "Well, Billy wanted me to get in trouble!" Poor Billy. He was hanging out in his fictious world, just chillin', and now all of a sudden he is being accused of making Bailyn Rowe lie.

I sat her down on the couch and looked her straight in the eye and asked her who made the choice to lie to me. She said, "Me." So then I asked whose fault it was that she made a bad choice. "Mine." Well, I guess she decides that if lying and passing the blame don't work, she'll just plead for mercy. "Give me one more chance. Just give me one more chance, Mommy!" LOL. All this over a change of clothes.

In the end, things didn't work out in her favor. She has a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon in a town an hour away. There is an amusement park in that town, so we were going to spend a couple of hours there after her appointment, (Why not?! I'm already having to make the drive, so we'll already be right there.) She lost that privilege, and she also doesn't get to take extra clothes to day camp anymore. If she spills food or drink on her clothes (or if she pees), she has to deal with it herself. This whole Mommy thing sucks. I was looking forward to riding a few rides!

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