
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2007-04-04 - 9:25 p.m.
Spring Update

OK, it's been awhile. Here are a few of the high points:

ADHD - Bailyn has been on meds since the first half of February. She's doing great...making quite a bit of progress in reading and writing now. She's determined....gotta give her that. I see a big difference in her now. She's constantly reading and writing without being prompted, and she's not as stressed and anxious. I know why we waited so long, but it's still sad that we did.

Bailyn's sister - Wayne's first wife brough Bailyn's half-sister down in mid-February. Very stressful visit that included a lot of BS coming from Whitney's mom's mouth about Wayne and his family. To make a long story short, a lot of BS went down, and I haven't heard from Wayne's sister or his mom since then. I should have known better than to allow them to come down. Trouble follows that psycho bitch wherever she goes. Sad, though. I haven't heard anything from them about Bailyn's birthday. I hope they remember. I don't much care about them sending stuff, but a card or phone call is important. Ya know, some kind of contact. I started to skip this, but I'm betting Leila isn't bothering to check this anymore, so I figured I'd throw it in.

Birthday - Bailyn will be 7 on Saturday!! Wow. I can't believe it.

Logic - Bai has always been really logical. Lately, her logic has taken a tremendous step forward. Examples: They had an Easter Bunny visit their classroom last week before Spring break. Bailyn came home saying that she knew it wasn't real because she could see through the bunny's eyes and the person inside kept blinking. I was dying. The way she told the story was so freaking funny. Another example: Bailyn laid down for 20 minutes tonight and then got back up saying she needed to sleep in our room because she was having bad dreams. Yeah, right. I got the Febreze and sprayed it in her room and told her the good smell would make her have good dreams. She looked at me funny and said, "For real?" I was like, "Yeah, definitely!" Her response? "I think you're lying. I think you're making that up....You're laughing like you're making it up." Yeah, after she told me I was lying, I lost it. Hard to keep a straight face when your seven year old calls you out. I fessed up and told her that I thought SHE was lying about having bad dreams and that it was time for her to go to sleep and that she'd better not get back up unless she REALLY had a bad dream. It's amazing to watch her develop.

Losing teeth - She lost her 2nd tooth last month. Yuck!

Root Canals - I now know that I hate them. I had one Friday morning on my front bottom tooth. Things were great all day Friday and Saturday....just a little soreness. By 2AM Sunday, I was in pain. By Sunday afternoon, I was in agony. I've never experienced pain like that before. I started out on Lorcet Plus. Was eating them like Tic Tacs and was still in pain. Spent all of Sunday night/Monday morning up trying to distract myself by watching episodes of NBC shows online (BTW, Raines and Heroes are both excellent shows). I went back to the dentist Monday morning. He filed my teeth down and prescribed an antibiotic, ibuprofen, and Percocet. Oh, and he gave me 3 shots of a long acting numbing agent. It completely deadened the right half my face, but I was still hurting on the left a little past the middle of my mouth. I was eating the Percocet pretty much like the of these every 3 hours to try to beat down the pain on my left side. I took one on my 3 hour schedule at 9pm. Shortly after 10pm, the numbing agent suddenly wore off. Seriously, in a matter of minutes, the numbness was gone and I was in agony again. I can't adequately describe that pain. All I could do was rock back and forth and cry. I couldn't even talk. At 10:15, I popped another Percocet. At 11, the pain hadn't subsided any, so Kim took me to the ER. After making me wait forever, they gave me shot of Demerol. After waiting 15 minutes and getting no results, they gave me a second shot. After about 10 minutes, the pain receded to discomfort. I was so happy. I was uncomfortable, but I was didn't want to blow my head off anymore. They quickly processed my paperwork to get me out of there "before I passed out." Seriously, the doctor made that statement. Apparently, he didn't think a person could eat 2 Percocet and take 2 shots of Demerol and still be functioning. Yeah, ok. We got home around 2AM and I wasn't in pain. I went on to bed to try to catch some sleep. I went to sleep, but I absolutely didn't pass out. I was wide awake and in pain at 5AM. The ER sent me home with 3 Mepergan, so I took one and went back to sleep. At 7, I was awake and in pain again. I took another and got showered and dressed to head back to the dentist's office. He gave me a prescription for Mepergan and told me to keep taking the antibiotic and ibuprofen. Thankfully, I feel much better today. My jaw is still swollen and it's hard to talk, but I'm not in agonizing pain. Needless to day, I'll very likely tell them to fuck off if they come up saying I need another root canal.

All right...I'm off to bed! g'NIGHT!

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