
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2008-05-22 - 9:32 p.m.
What a slacker!!

Man, I've been SLACK. OK, gotta give a year's worth of updates in one post.

We had Bailyn tested by a psychologist last summer. He administered the full battery of psychoeducational tests. We were planning to hold her back in 1st another year. We got the results of the tests a week before school started. They showed that she was ahead of her peers in math (as expected) and equal to them in reading(not expected). She scored in the 73rd percentile in math and in the 50th percentile in reading. Her IQ tested out above average, and she was performing academically as well as other beginning 2nd graders. His professional opinion was that it would be a mistake to hold her back. Then we found out that she'd exceeded standards in math on the CRCT and was on the high side of the "on standard" range in reading and language. We spent a couple of days in a panic, trying to decide which grade we felt would be the right choice for her. We scrambled around at the last minute to place her in 2nd grade. Excellent choice, as it turned out. She can still be a major turd, but she is doing very well academically. She got the results of her 2nd grade CRCT last Friday, and she exceeded standards in math and reading and was on the high side of "meets standards" in language. Her teachers said that there was no question of what grade she belongs in next year. Academically, she's doing wonderfully. Her behavior is the problem (when she's having trouble, which isn't always).

Bailyn started Tae Kwon Do last October. It consumed quite a bit of time for a while. She went to class 3 times a week until April. She went from a white belt to almost ready to test for her camo belt. She really enjoyed it and was really good at it. Right before her camo test, she decided to chill out for a while. She was tired of constantly being on the go. I don't think it helped that her camo belt test was the same week as her CRCT testing. Poor kid was stressed by everything and was probably ready to have a nervous breakdown. She said that she'll start back to Tae Kwon Do when she's ready. We told her to just let us know when that time comes.

We saw Rebecca last December. She came back to Moultrie for a visit. She stayed with her friends, and she stopped by here for a few minutes one afternoon. Literally, a few minutes. I don't think we've even exchanged an email since then.

I got a job as a Network Analyst at the hospital about 4 minutes from house. It's been wonderful not having to drive 40 minutes to and from work every day. I've been at the new job 2 1/2 months now. I really like it. I'm doing pretty much the same thing as before, plus some. I'm learning a lot, and I really like all my coworkers.

Kim's about the same. No news is good news. :) I'm going to try really hard to get back in the habit of updating regularly. The original purpose of the diary was to note the funny little things Bailyn does so I won't ever forget these years. They're passing so quickly. I've let way too many great stories go unwritten and forgotten.

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