
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2008-11-22 - 12:13 a.m.

Why do people not comment? I know some people (Ro!) read faithfully, so they really don't need to comment unless they have something specific to say. I know some entries are mind-numbingly dull and there really isn't a lot to say (perfume samples in magazine pages, anyone?), but it looks like flybys would at least say, "Hi, I was here. You suck." Don't we all enjoy a response? Holding a one-sided conversation is tough.

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5 comments so far

beanie - 2008-11-22 13:58:16
True, comments are nice. Some days will surprise you.. the most boring entry will net you a ton of comments, and then one you think will bring on the commenters doesn't.
catsoul - 2008-11-22 13:12:49
Hi, I enjoy your I added you to my buddy list. It is cold here in central Wisconsin and at dawn deer hunting season started. =^..^=
LA - 2008-11-22 13:22:34
Good morning! I'd say about 97% of my readers NEVER say anything. I realized I'm a daily fix, like a comic strip or Dear Abby. Flattering and maddening. On one hand it's nice so many 'tune in', on the other I get resentful because I'm a real person, not a cartoon character, and get upset that no matter how awful things are at the moment I'm 'entertainment' to most readers. ~LA
Laura - 2008-11-23 06:43:01
I read this every time you post. I'm just that awkward girl who never knows what to say in a comment.
Kitty - 2008-11-23 16:48:09
Hey. I usually only comment if something really good pops into my head. Otherwise, the things I think sound better in my head and when I type them, they sound lame. From now on, I'll comment. Even if I just say hi. Hi. ;P