
I'm a 29 year old chick living in the South. I'm married to Kim - happily married most of the time. Our daughter is 8-year-old Bailyn. I work in the I.S. Department of a nearby hospital. Oh, and I'm a pagan living in the Bible Belt.

I love reading, cuddling with Kim and Bailyn, working with computers, playing The Sims 2, and waiting anxiously for the release of Sims 3. Photobucket

2008-12-01 - 8:34 p.m.
NYC Day 1 - Ugh

TSA does NOT like it when you slip up and forget that you put a 12 oz. soda in your carryon bag.

Uneventful flight. Lovely landing. I grabbed the camera and took 50+ shots. I'd previously stored the camera in the outer zip pocket of my laptop bag, and when I went to put it back, I apparently slid it into the pouch directly above the zipper compartment - the one without a bottom. Yes, that $70 lovely red 10.2 megapixel Samsung camera I went to buy at Wal-Mart at 5AM Friday is gone. We replaced it with a magnificent $160 6 megapixel Nikon. I'm unbelievably stoked at my great fortune. Can you BELIEVE how freaking brilliant I am? I'm hoping against hope that the good camera fell out on the plane and one of the flight attendants picked it up. I'll be calling them tomorrow.

This place is insane. I'm not liking it much at all. The subway frightens me. I'm terrified that Bailyn will fall. I dread the lonely training class with no one I know more than I can say. I wanna go home.

last - next

2 comments so far

LA - 2008-12-02 02:15:04
So sorry about your camera, hon. But welcome to the neighborhood! ~LA
Terri T - 2008-12-02 17:07:44
I once lost $300 that fell out of my pants pocket on the plane. Yeah, I thought it would be safer than in my purse. How dumb was I? Good luck in getting the camera back....